We offer a wide range of dental and maxillo-facial services. These include, but are not limited to restorative dentistry (fillings, prostheses, root canal therapies, crown, bridges, and implants), and so on.
We are Ivy Dental Services
Our major goal is helping patients achieve healthy smiles. We do this by offering honest advice and reliable care.
We always aim to build relationships with patients and strive to make everyone we treat feel like a partner in their dental care.
We provide exceptional oral care treatment and options to assist you in making the best choices to achieve and maintain your desired healthy and beautiful smiles
We have a well qualified team of specialists on ground,
friendly staff and environment.
Who we are
Our friendly and knowledgeable members are our greatest asset. Everyone of our staff shares a common goal: to interact with each patient in a kind, compassionate and effective manner while working together to provide the highest quality dental work to every patient.